Privacy Policy

Privacy statement and GDPR

When you place an order on the Clean Your Watch website, you simultaneously give us permission to use your personal data. We only use the data that is necessary to deliver your order to you. In addition, we can approach you with great promotions, offers and news about Clean Your Watch.

You have the right to inspect and correct your personal data at all times. After completing your payment you will see a total overview of your order and the payment method you have chosen. You can print this and it will also be sent to the e-mail address you provided. This overview also contains your order number, which is your reference for any questions and for the use of Track & Trace.

Clean Your Watch naturally respects your privacy. We are therefore the only ones who have access to the information you provide to us, unless indicated otherwise.

Your data will not be sold, shared or rented by us to third parties in any other way than stated in this privacy statement. Clean Your Watch always voluntarily obtains information from which your identity as a visitor to can be derived from its visitors. This information can be used for analysis and providing information about the Clean Your Watch product portfolio. The customer gives explicit permission for this.

Clean Your Watch is entitled, in special cases, to publish information about a visitor. There is then reason to assume that disclosure of that information is necessary. This may be to identify, contact or bring legal action against anyone who is intentionally or unintentionally violating or violating the rights to the property of Clean Your Watch, other users of our website or others who may be harmed by it. causes damage.

Clean Your Watch is entitled to disclose information about users when we believe it is required by law.

Personal data can be removed at the request of our visitors, if this does not involve a disproportionate effort or cost for Clean Your Watch. We collect non-personal information about our online visitors in order to determine the total number of visitors to, as well as the type of internet browser and operating system our visitors use. Do you have a question regarding our online shop? Our customer service is happy to help you. You must be at least 18 years old to make a purchase on

Attention! Always check if your watch is waterproof and make sure the crown is screwed all the way down!


Cleaning Spray

Spray the Cleaning Spray directly onto the watch and the steel strap. Spray generously so that the liquid can loosen the dirt well. (If your watch is very dirty, rinse it under the tap first).

Spray the Cleaning Spray directly onto the watch and the steel strap. Spray generously so that the liquid can loosen the dirt well. (If your watch is very dirty, rinse it under the tap first).


CYW Watch Brush

Use the special soft CYW brush to clean the watch properly. Always wet the brush before use!

Use the special soft CYW brush to clean the watch properly. Always wet the brush before use!



If your watch is very dirty, rinse it first under the tap or in a bowl of lukewarm water. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all the dirt is gone.

If your watch is very dirty, rinse it first under the tap or in a bowl of lukewarm water. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all the dirt is gone.


Dry your watch

Dry the watch with the long fiber side of the soft nano cloth.

Dry the watch with the long fiber side of the soft nano cloth.


Shine & Protect Spray

Spray the Shine & Protect Spray on the watch and let it work for 10 seconds.

Spray the Shine & Protect Spray on the watch and let it work for 10 seconds.


Drying and polishing

Use the short fiber side of the CYW Nano Cloth to dry and polish to a radiant result.

Use the short fiber side of the CYW Nano Cloth to dry and polish to a radiant result.